However, there is a balance to be found, since it is entirely possible to create a Component containing very few faces, or even just one. – It is much faster to export an instance than a mesh. – Instances use less memory, in both SketchUp and Maxwell. As such, where the choice is between making a copy of a Group, and turning that Group into a Component and making an extra instance, the latter should usually be preferred, for two reasons: A similar approach is used in Maxwell's format, which uses both meshes (each Group and Component definition results in a mesh), and instances of meshes (each Component instance results in an instance), to represent the model. Where each Group in SketchUp directly contains a unique set of faces, every instance of a given Component refers back to a single definition, which itself is very much like a Group, albeit one that does not actually appear in the model. It is therefore beneficial to employ memory-conserving techniques in the construction of the model itself, and here, there are two main approaches, involving the use of: For large models though, even just exporting the model can stretch the limits, and besides, it is not an option in the Maxwell for SketchUp Standalone version of the plugin, where rendering is done within SketchUp, using the Maxwell FIRE window. The primary way of dealing with this in Maxwell is to move rendering outside of SketchUp's process, by exporting and rendering an MXS file in (64-bit) Maxwell Studio or Maxwell Render – available in Maxwell Render Suite. exported) into the internal data format of the render engine. This is especially true when we consider rendering within the application, since there must be enough memory available to hold both the model as it exists in SketchUp, and a representation of that, translated (a.k.a. Though rarely a factor in 64-bit applications, memory usage is of primary concern in SketchUp, since it is still 32-bit. In the following, I will discuss some perhaps not obvious tips for minimizing memory usage, and speeding up both workflow and rendering, in the context of the Maxwell Render plugins for SketchUp*. Though a primary aim of Maxwell Render is to provide simplicity, it is nevertheless the case that rendering is a very technical discipline, which makes heavier use of machine resources than most other types of software. In this timely blog post he gives us specific and in depth technical information on making the most of it when used in conjunction with SketchUp. Editor's Note: Jeremy Hill is a veteran of Maxwell Render, working on its development with the team at Next Limit Technologies for almost 10 years.